"While they were still talking, Rachel came with her father's sheep, for she was their shepherd." Genesis 29:9

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In spite of all the years I’ve spent being a girl, I’m still not very good at it.

This is a great post from the Burnside Writers Collective.

I found this article very true of the way I view the world, and I think its true of my generation broadly. And responding to these women is what women's ministry in the church should look like today. But I agree with Sarah, how am I supposed to lead other women if my own compass hasn't yet found due north?


Amanda said...

Wow. That's a really, really powerful article. And I think you're right that women's ministry must respond to THESE women. Unfortunately, the church often presents the same two (faulty) options for what it means to be a girl that the world does: either stay-at-home mom ("princess") or career woman ("feminazi"). So what would it look like for the church to present BETTER alternatives for women?