"While they were still talking, Rachel came with her father's sheep, for she was their shepherd." Genesis 29:9

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

women who give us all a bad rap

I think this blog speaks for itself.


Amanda said...

Wow... I follow that blog, and most of the time the posts seem right on. The post you mention, however, does not fit my requirements of "right on" - especially the strong differentation the writer makes between between "church" and "family," much less the comparison between Anna and all single women...

Kristen said...

Personally I liked the part where she said that her two friends who left their churches to find husbands are now "set for life." I guess that's the secret to a successful life. Who knew?

I do agree with you about the blog though. While I'm not always a huge CT fan, this seems well below their standards. It's pretty amazing to me that they published it.